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Sara Garrido

Rodellar, Spain

I love Daiana's massages! She makes you feel comfortable and relaxed since the very first moment. She knows exactly how to touch you to let your body and mind go. I highly recommend her and wish we were closer.

Kenora, Canada

I received a relaxation massage from Daiana when I was nine months pregnant. It was amazing! She has magic hands and an intuitive mind. She is calm and happy, and will leave you feeling the same. If you are lucky enough to be living in the same city as Daiana, definitely book a massage with her! You won't regret it!

Kiley Granberg


Comox Valley, Canada

Daiana's shinning personality compliments her yoga practice beautifully. She is welcoming, kind, and professional. Her yoga classes are just what I was looking for!

Caro Lua

Rodellar, Spain

Mi experiencia personal fue completamente sensitiva, durante nuestras estancias comunes en rodellar fueron muchas las veces que afortunadamente las manos, pies y todo un ser me hicieron experimentar momentos increíbles, siempre diferentes pero nunca indiferentes, deshaciendo nudos externos e internos , y ofreciéndome la oportunidad de poder conectar realmente con mi interior. Gracias dai! Deseando volver a encontrarte en todos los sentidos!

Ross Cameron

Nanaimo, Canada

Daiana is clear, honest and talented at massage, movement, yoga, acroyoga, mindfulness, and capoeira. She is totally about the connection between body and mind.

I am older (okay, 56) and a total beginner at many of these things but she just draws you in and accepts you exactly as you are. She is a really good person and a wonderful teacher.

Karina Oliveira

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Daiana makes you feel relaxed the moment you walk into the place and meet her. As she talks to you and prepares for your massage, you can tell she really has an interest in not only what’s going on with your body, but in who you are. You find yourself feeling comfortably assured that you will be receiving a wonderful therapeutic experience. Blessed hands. Amazing feeling afterwards. Loved it.

Alba Olmedo

Rodellar, Spain

Un antes y un después. Esa es la transformación que sucede cuando aparece en el camino una enseñanza vital que abre las puertas al entendimiento y a la conciencia universal. Un dia conocí a una gran Maestra. Ella me mostró el camino y me regaló una llave.
Así aparecieron en mi vida Daiana y Yoga, Yoga y Daiana, porque ambas son lo mismo. 
Maestra es quien más allá de transmitir conocimientos como la práctica o teoría del arte del yoga, predica con su ejemplo, con su manera de entender, de compartir y de transitar por el hermoso sendero de la existencia. Con ella aprendí a respirar, a escuchar y a mirar hacia dentro y hacia fuera de otra manera, con más atención, con intención y sobretodo con mucho amor. Con ella es fácil sumergirse en unas prácticas profundas y sinceras del arte del yoga; su sola presencia es alegría, bondad y sus enseñanzas son un bálsamo purificador para cuerpo y alma.

Petra Pivonkova

Rodellar, Spain

My first ever yoga lessons were with Daiana and I must say she really helped me find my way of liking yoga. She loves what she is doing and she really believes in it which is exactly what she transmits as a yoga teacher. She is very relaxed and has a flexible mind which helps when one is looking for her/his way into asanas without forcing them or using too much strength.

In general, she is a very positive person full of joy and that I believe is a very important part of her yoga teaching,  because these qualities of hers help create a nice,  good energy atmosphere in the lessons.

She is also strong and has loads of yoga practice experience, therefore her lessons are a great option also for more advanced yogis.

Considering her massages and Ayurvedic treatment sessions, the first thing coming to my mind is a great pleasure on both physical and mental level. I definitely recommend her sessions for all kinds of problems from physically overstressed bodies to exhausted minds. She has got a great skill and knows her craft really well which accompanied by her caring and relaxed personality makes just a perfect combination to relax the whole yourself, muscles and mind. 

Alison Smith

Australian from France

Dear Daiana,

Rodellar, my sanctuary, my healing, my place for being, my place for solitude, my place for having fun, for pushing myself to the limits, for partying, for relaxing, for sharing with my friends and family. 


Having you there really makes this trip special, you are my healing phase of the week. I’m a nurse and work in a big hospital in the neonatal intensive care unit. I've seen so many health professionals in my professional life and know that those who excel in their work are those who love it and want to heal and care for others. Some say it’s a vocation, some say its just part of your personality, some say it’s a gift. I believe that in your case it’s a gift and one which you embrace. I always feel totally safe and well cared for in your massage sessions and I feel that it’s not just about relaxing the muscles, it’s a total body cleansing. There’s something that you do which makes getting in touch or in tune with myself so very easy. Thank you for that, you are really an amazing person. I also have to add that some of my friends who have come to you for massages, and who are not into “alternative therapy” come out of your little hut with a totally different view! We all talked about our different elements of fire, water, air, and earth, and it was wonderful to understand each other on a different level. My husband Damien was never really into massage or yoga, but now he wants to continue yoga in Toulouse and get into the meditation part of it! Amazing :-)


With kind regards

Peace, Love, and Harmony to you….


Comox Valley

Vancouver Island

BC - Canada


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